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Get up close and personal with Big John Fury, Gypsy Warrior and the inspiration and driving force behind boxing champion Tyson Fury. If you're six foot three like me, twenty stone, and you like to stand up for yourself, you're gonna get into trouble, aren't ya? If you've got Fury DNA, you're not shy of a fight. I'll have a fight with anybody. Win, lose or draw. I'm out there, shirt off, done and dusted. I'm a traveller, a bare knuckle boxer and my life has been anything but ordinary. Now I'm setting the record straight. From Netflix's At Home With The Furys this is the Gypsy Warrior, unfiltered and in his own words. When Fury Takes Over is the insider story of the Fury family, from Tyson and Paris to Tommy and Molly-Mae, and an honest and unforgettable look at the Gyspy way of life. 'MY DAD IS TRULY A MAN AMONGST MEN' - TYSON FURY

When Fury Takes Over by John Fury

SKU: 9781035014057
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