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It's 1944 and Anna's in the Sudetenland, her elder brother is at the front and her younger one is a fanatical member of the Nazi Youth. When she finds an escaped Russian soldier hiding in their barn, nearly dead, humanity conquers fear and she hides him in a disused bunker and continues to feed him despite knowing that if caught she'd be executed as a traitor. She doesn't dare tell even her mother. As the front approaches their village from the east it seems the Russian prisoner will soon be re-united with his comrades - but will Anna's already suspicious brother uncover her guilty secret first and expose her to a traitor's fate, and her family to destruction? An incredibly realistic and moving account of how one girl refuses to accept Nazi ideology and has the courage of her own conviction. A riveting insight into how the war affected the Sudetenland and its German and Czech population.

Traitor by Gudrun Pausewang

SKU: 9781842703137
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